Dr. Lucy Lyons, MD

Dr. Lucy Lyons is a Vancouver-based Physician, Neuroscientist, Autogenic Therapist, and International Wellness Champion. She qualified in Medicine and Neuroscience at University College London, UK and has 20 years of clinical experience.

Lucy has researched plant-based nutrition since 2003, since being diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer. Having researched the science of a whole food plant-based diet, and following this for many years, she is experienced at guiding patients on their own healing journey, using food as medicine.

To assist patients in detoxifying the mind, as well as the body, Lucy teaches Autogenics, a series of mental training exercises combined with emotional release. She also facilitates the Creativity Mobilization Technique, Mess Painting, done in a ‘no-thought state’, which brings the unconscious into consciousness.

She is part of the Faculty of Medicine at UBC and is
co-chair of the Vancouver Coastal Health Physician Wellness Committee, supporting doctors and working
to reduce physician burnout. 

Lucy is a mother to 3 young children and spends her free time enjoying the outdoors with her family, either swimming in the sea or in the mountains.