I recently heard from a friend that some people in my community think I’m out to lunch for thinking I can cycle and run across Canada. Hmmm. They could be right…but they could also be wrong too.
For all the doubters, my parents would say that I’m stubborn and determined as heck. Perhaps, but more than that, I’m practical, I’m a researcher and I’m just plain curious.
Here’s how my be-ing/brain 🧠 works:
1. Be Practical
A. Set a big, fat, hairy, audacious goal, i.e., Run and cycle 7,120 KM across Canada in 75 days. ✅ Our 22 Million Strong Tour is born 👶
B. State the facts - I’m not an endurance athlete, I’m overweight, and I haven’t exercised in years.
C. Take Action – Learn from the best of the best who have done it before me, get inspired, and get to work. Thank you for inspiring me: @davidgoggins, @richroll, @joshlajaunie @scottjurek, and several more.
2. Be a Researcher
A. Explore the Findings: thousands of published scientific evidence, thousands of anecdotal stories, and years of historical data show that an unrefined, plant-based, whole-food diet will power me further and faster and will also support my recovery better than an animal-based diet. No-brainer once again.
3. Be Curious
A. Q: Who would be the best people to train me on how to do this? A: Chris Hauth (endurance coach), @luckiesigouin (vegan endurance nutrition coach), and Emilee Wise (endurance nutrition coach).
B. Q: How would I feel, what would I look like, who would I be if I actually accomplished this goal? A: Amazing x 3
C. Q: How would I feel if I didn’t try? A: Opposite of amazing x 3.
Other tips:
Set a goal that is bigger than you – this tour across Canada is about working alongside BIPOC communities in remote and rural areas to better understand the barriers to eating well. It’s also part of my doctoral research. Even bigger than all that - I want to crush the chronic disease and cancer epidemic.
This is how I’m doing it - one step and one bite at a time.
For all the doubters: Instead of doubting me, simply support me. Better yet, get out there and train with me. Join my FB group 22millionstrong 💪 and learn how I’m taking these steps day by day.