• The unfortunate reality is that there is no “guaranteed” cure for cancer that works for every type of cancer, in every person, every time. But even though there is no guaranteed cure for cancer, that doesn’t mean we need to be helpless or hopeless. Fuelling your body with organic food, exercising, and reducing stress levels through yoga and meditation are all healthy, pro-active steps that you can take—either on their own, or in combination with conventional treatments.

  • What is important is that you know your diagnosis, prognosis and you ask the right questions that will get you the answers that will provide you with the best outcome for your particular condition.

    We can’t tell you which course of action is right for you. That’s a decision that only you can make. It’s your body, your experience, and your life.

    What we can do is encourage you to talk to your oncologist and other health practitioners to explore all possible options—surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, alternative therapies (including Gerson therapy) and other diet and lifestyle changes, or perhaps a combination of several treatment approaches.

    Regardless of which type of approach you choose—traditional, alternative, or a combination of both—taking good care of your body is not optional. It’s a necessity.

    What we do know is that there is time and place for conventional treatments, particularly in acute conditions, but there is always a place for healthy diet and lifestyle choices—everyday and at every meal. We encourage you to eat well and manage your stress levels as best you can. Enjoy organic food. Meditate. Walk. Practice yoga. Engage in activities that bring you joy and peace of mind. Through those types of positive, healthy choices, you’ll strengthen your immune system and make it easier for your body to beat cancer and other chronic illnesses.

  • Absolutely. We welcome all individuals of all ages to join us and learn how to eat real to heal and prevent chronic illness. You don’t necessarily have to be battling cancer—or any other type of disease—to benefit from eating nutritious healing foods. Even if you’re a strong, healthy, disease-free yogi, marathon runner, business executive or stay at home parent, you'll benefit from learning how to eat clean, real, plant-based whole foods. You'll then be equipped to share your new-found recipes, techniques, and habits with your friends, family and colleagues. Your renewed commitment to taking good care of your health will trickle down to inspire and help others make better diet and lifestyle choices, slowly building healthy communities, one individual at a time.