Healthy Physicians
Healthy Food in Hospitals Program
Medical professionals are at the front lines of counselling patients about how their diets and other lifestyle habits can affect their health, yet practicing physicians consistently rate their nutrition knowledge and skills as inadequate (1) even though there is extensive knowledge of how nutrition relates to the prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. Overall, 87.2% of medical students believe that their Canadian medical school should dedicate more time to nutrition education as less than 1 hour per month is not sufficient (2).
There is a gap in the current medical curriculum and there is a need to develop and further integrate nutrition into medical education. Until that day arises, Sea to Sky Thrivers Society will help fill that knowledge gap by providing workshops for health professionals who want to:
Acquire evidence-based research about nutrition-based healing for chronic degenerative diseases including cancer
Receive training in effective methods to support detoxification pathways in the liver which can be used safely in the treatment and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases including cancer
Understand the fundamental principles and application of orthomolecular medicine in clinical settings
Uncover biases and limitations, opportunities and gaps in current nutritional research
MDs, Nurses, Dentists, Physiotherapists, DCMs, NDs, TCMs, Nutritionists, Health & Fitness Coaches, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Medical Students, Nurse Practitioners, Midwives & Other Health Care Providers . . .
Sea to Sky Thrivers have developed an immersive hands-on weekend workshop that helps to fill the knowledge gap for health professionals. Our goal for 2020 is to modify the teaching for shorter workshops that can be offered to teach physicians in Sea to Sky Corridor. Once this has been achieved, we will offer the programs to a wider audience across BC and beyond.