Robyn Ziebell

With a Commerce Degree from UBC, and 10 years working in the corporate environment, including 5 years at a Fortune 500 company before creating her own business, Robyn brings a very powerful combination of professionalism, presence and dynamic authenticity to her work. This, coupled with her openness, vibrant personality and wisdom gathered from her own awakening journey, life experiences, global travels, physical and emotional healing, make her a knowledgeable resource with a very unique perspective.

She knows what really works from personal application and unveils her own life’s ups and downs candidly. These stories serve as impactful and often hilarious examples to connect the dots for you as she shares the mindsets, perspectives, foundational habits and tools through her ReSolve 4 Life programs, workshops, retreats and private coaching. She makes the potent information she has gathered from a range of health professionals, spiritual mentors, mindfulness experts and ancient wisdom easy to understand and apply with her own brand of simple visuals and a baby-steps approach.

This paired with playful spontaneity and an unwavering conviction to support your empowerment and upliftment inspires you to leap outside your comfort zone and evolve.